The area of Ramgati upazila is about 347 square kilometers. Ramgati upazila is bordered by Kamalnagar upazila to the north, Noakhali Sadar to the east, Hatia upazila of Noakhali to the south and Tajumuddin upazila of Bhola district to the west.
Ramgati upazila consists of 39 villages. The total population of the upazila is 2,79,009, out of which 1,37,551 are males and 1,41,445 are females. The population density is 752 persons per square kilometer. Out of the total population, 2,49,958 are Muslims, 10,986 are Hindus, 4 are Buddhists, 53 are Christians and 01 belong to other religions. The education rate of Ramgati upazila is 62% and the total number of voters in this upazila is 1,42,922. Among them, 71,251 male voters and 71,671 female voters.
Land Information: Ramgati Upazila has 01 Upazila Land Offices, 08 Union Land Offices, 30 Mauzas. The amount of Khas property is 10332.60 acres, assigned property is 501.44 acres, 06 Khas ponds.
Shelter project: 14 (fourteen) beneficiary 2800 (two thousand eight hundred) families.
Adarsh village: 04 (four) beneficiary 180 (one hundred and eighty) families.
Housing Project: 03 (three) beneficiary 160 (one hundred and sixty) families.
Educational institutions: In this upazila there are 96 government primary schools, 02 government secondary schools, 19 secondary schools, 02 lower secondary schools, 01 government colleges, 03 private colleges, 06 Dakhil Madrasas, 04 Alim Madrasas, 01 Fazil Madrasas, 02 Kamil Madrasas, independent schools. Madrasa 02.
Religious places of worship: 376 mosques and 11 temples.
Municipalities: 01.
Unions: There are 08 (eight) Union Parishads in Ramgati Upazila.
Upazila tradition: Soybean cultivation.
Language and Culture: Bengali is the local regional language.
List of Liberation Wars and Freedom Fighters (Union wise)
Places to visit: Char Ghazaria and Bayarchar rising on the chest of Meghna.
Sports and Recreation: Stick games.
Natural resources: Hilsa fish.
Rivers: Meghna and Bhulua rivers.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS